This story is about a man whom I shared three years of life, until his death on April 23rd 2014. I learn valuable lessons with his
Here is the story of us…
Our story begin in the spring of 2011, Wayne was an US Navy veteran who after several stumbles through his life, he arrived on March 11, to the Veteran Assistance Program of Union Grove for Homeless Veterans—with the hope to find relief for his pains and get his life back. As an US Army veteran myself, I arrived to the same place on April 17th, and after grieving my own personal lost, I met Wayne on April 23, 2011.
He came to my dining table and presented himself, “Hi, My name is Wayne, glad to meet you”. I looked at him and thought that this is just another crazy gringo of the facility, but I shook his hand and from there a great friendship started that turn later on in the most amazing love story experienced by both of us. We worked together at this center helping other homeless veterans like us. We did everything together from cooking, travel, going to festivals, theaters, but the most thing we enjoyed, was fishing.
However, the strong bond among us, was the experience to lose everything and everyone important in our lives—becoming homeless.
Wayne was a happy goer that seems like anything didn’t worry him, despite that all his sorrows were eating him inside. He was the kind of human being that went the extra mile for anyone in need, despite not having money or health to complete the task. He was always joking even when at times, he was the only one laughing. He was never in self-pity and often he didn’t allow his past, to put him down. He lived every minute of his life like it was his last—nothing can’t wait for tomorrow, he had to do it today. Little by little this crazy gringo, took my heart and soul when we fall in love.
That amazing day was a 4 of July of 2011, we were at the Eagle Lake of Racine County—fishing. We sat there for a while waiting for the fish to bite. When we started to share our lives stories and what brought us to be homeless. We noticed that among all the difference between us, we were just human beings that made mayor mistakes and dearly paid for it. That day, we cried together while laced in each other arms and then we kiss for the first time. I knew then, that I just met my soul mate.
It’s ironic—about our lives path, how different but the same. During our military careers, we were in the same places—but we missed each other, either by a couple of months or a year. Often we recall on this and agreed that we might not like each other if we were met then, as much as we did through the last 3 years of our lives together.
When I was down, he was always trying to cheer me up—he used to sing me the song “You are my sunshine and my only sunshine, you made me happy when times are grey” For Wayne, no matter the hardships, he was always optimistic and resourceful—what he couldn't get, he will build it, that was sure—he was a handy man against the odds.
One time, we both were tasked to go to a Catholic elementary school to give a
His driven desire was to become healthy and stop drinking and smoking—which he accomplished it. He stopped drinking for the last 3 years of his life and stopped smoking since August 2012. He even went to college for two semester to obtain a degree in CAD design—that he couldn’t finish due to his health.
While all this, in the past 3 years of his life, I was there in his every moments of laughter, his joys and sorrows. His last two weeks were not the greatest—starting with April 14th 2014 when he lost his sons for the second time. I came from work to found Wayne crying for his kids—while going through all the human emotions you can think of. I told him, not to worry that life goes on, that at least his kids knows that he tried.
I raised him again through the fun stuffs we used to do and he was content but sad. Two days before his death, he was not doing well health wise, he was consuming by his back pain. I nurtured him the best I could and took care of him. On April 23, 2014 I woke up as usual to head out to work. He got up and asked me if I wanted for him to make me breakfast for which I told him “No honey, go back to bed and rest—take it ease today”. At the moment of leaving, I brushed his hair, caressed his face and gave him a sweet kiss on his lips—telling him “I love you babe, see ya’ when I return home”—he responded “I love you too, you have a great day, see ya’ later”.
I wanted to call sick that day, but went to work. All day, I felt wrong—despite my discontent with the job with its daily driving from Burlington to Milwaukee. Last time I talked on the phone with Wayne was during my lunch at 11:00 am. He talked to neighbors, friends and the landlord before he decided to work on his car around 3:00 pm for what I was told. I arrived home around 6:45 pm, when I got into the parking I saw him under his car—I thought he was working under it, so I parked my car someplace else. Came down to him and told him to stop working on his car but he didn't respond. That is when I noticed something was terribly wrong. I panic, tried to raise the car off him but couldn't, I screamed my heart out in that parking lot asking for help but no one heard me. I called the police which they responded quickly but it was too late, Wayne was gone for a long while before my arrival for what I was told by police.
None of you, have any idea what I felt that day of his death—I saw my whole world crushed under that car realizing that I lost my soul mate. Wayne to me was everything, he was my home to come to, the love of my life, my best friend—the human being that truly tough me what love is really about. How ironic life can be, we born and we lived through life with its ups and downs, living every possible human experience we can have, good or bad—without realizing that can be gone in a split second. With him gone, life for me will not be the same ever again. The 3 years that we spend together to us was like 20, but something I can say—Wayne was loved and happy in his end days, despite of the life turns that tried to keep him down in every turn. He might be gone physically but I know he is everywhere in spirit—with no more pain and sorrows.
The ceremony was short and sweet, but with all the respect that Wayne deserved
I am telling the story of this man, that I had the privilege to know him and being with him in the most loving relationship we ever have. not because he tough me life lessons in a short time of 3 years, but because his memory, his smile and unique personality I wanted to be on this page for years to come—hoping his sons will be able to see and cherish it, as I do today.
My dear Wayne, you became a blessing in my life they day I met you and I glad that I helped you and gave you and myself the best 3 years of our lives.
To you Wayne, My love Happy Birthday!….. I will always love you. Liz Figueroa
In loving memory of Wayne Kelly Lecus Sr
Born May 25 1963
Died April 23 2014
#waynelecus, #wayneklecus, #wayneklecussr,
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